
A reader at Neroche is a pupil who is on a learning journey to acquire the skills and knowledge in order to read with fluency and comprehension that allows them to unlock the wider curriculum.

Pupils at Neroche see themselves as readers and, through carefully planned and sequenced learning opportunities and an ambitious curriculum, they read widely as part of their learning as well as developing a love for reading.

At Neroche Primary School reading is a top priority and a key driver for our curriculum.

To enable pupils to achieve their best, we acknowledge the need for a robust phonics programme. Therefore, we use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme Little Wandle. Through this carefully planned, progressive programme and the application of Quality First Teaching, we are able to develop children’s phonological awareness and reading skills from preschool onwards. This early access to phonics learning allows our staff to ensure that children leave the Early Years Foundation Stage at Neroche with a solid understanding of the skills and strategies needed to develop into competent and resilient readers, and as a result, competent and resilient writers.

As early readers, children read books that are matched to their phonic decoding ability, which they take home weekly. As our readers secure their phonological understanding we use whole class guided reading as our main reading strategy to develop fluency and awareness of character, plot and setting.

At Neroche, we understand the importance vocabulary acquisition and oracy skills play in supporting comprehension in reading.

Our reading strategy outlines the approach we have towards reading, which begins as pupils enter our preschool setting. Before children are able to recognise and read print, they need to be able to speak with confidence and fluency so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others.

Through listening to others reading, our youngest learners are able to develop their understanding and build upon their existing knowledge and gain an understanding of what a reader is, so that they can approach reading with enthusiasm and resilience.

We want readers at Neroche to be able to…

  • read easily, fluently and with good understanding

  • reading widely and often, for both pleasure and to acquire information

  • acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language

  • appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage

  • use their knowledge of reading to support their writing

  • be confident to discuss what they have read, clearly explaining their understanding and ideas

The Neroche Reading Curriculum