Pupil & Sports Premium
Pupil Premium is an additional sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.
Pupil Premium payments are allocated for children who are disadvantaged due to family income, children of service families and pupils who are ‘Looked After’ (in care) or adopted. The Pupil Premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.
Please find below the offer leaflets for PP Children at Neroche in this academic year.
Neroche School Offer - for children in receipt of Low Income Pupil Premium
Neroche School Offer - for children in receipt of Service Pupil Premium
Neroche School Offer - for children in receipt of Early Years Pupil Premium
Neroche School Offer - for children in receipt of Looked After Pupil Premium
Schools are required to publish their Pupil Premium Strategy to report on their spending of the premium on an annual basis.
Sports Premium Funding is given to all schools with primary aged children to support improvements to the quality of Sport and PE provision for all of their pupils.
At Neroche we are keen to use this funding to inspire all our children in their PE and Sports learning, as well as encouraging a love of sport and a long lasting positive impact on our school community through the power of sport and PE.
Sport and PE can have a strong and lasting impact on pupils health, social development and emotional wellbeing. Through the enhanced provision that Sports Premium funding allows our school to provide, we can ensure an enriched programme that allows for maximum impact on learning and wellbeing; both in school and beyond.
Schools are required to publish their Sports Premium Strategy to report on their spending of the premium on an annual basis.
Sports Premium Strategy/Action Plan outlines our intentions. 2023/24
Sports Premium Report reports on our use of the funds. 2022/23