Extra-Curricular Opportunities

We offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities at Neroche to compliment, enrich and extend our curriculum offer.

Lunchtime Activities

Lunchtimes are enjoyable at Neroche. Children enjoy spending time with their friends using our extensive outdoor space. We are lucky enough to have 2 hard standing playgrounds and a large school field.

Some of our older children can put themselves forward to become a ‘Play Leader’ where they can lead and support games with the younger children.

We have a PlayPod on site which is a recycling initiative which promotes unstructured play using loose parts. Children love making dens and exploring loose part play items to create and bring their own inventions to life. Playpods by Children’s Scrapstore

We employ lunchtime sports coaches to work on our Key Stage 2 playground to promote sport engagement and participation. Children enjoy the opportunity to engage in supervised and adult led sport activities and try something new.

Musical Instrument Lessons

We offer a wide range of peripatetic musical instrument lessons at Neorche. These have a cost involved for parents, but if your child is in receipt of the disadvantaged Pupil Premium then we will fund musical instrument lessons for your child and would encourage them to learn a musical instrument beyond the school led music curriculum.

We are committed to delivering a high quality Music curriculum at Neroche and have developed this to ensure our Neroche children have the opportunity to develop and progress their skills in playing and understanding 3 key instruments: the recorder, the glockenspiel and the ukulele.

Visiting peripatetic teachers can offer additional lessons in recorder, ukulele and other instruments that build on the initial skills that these instruments have developed such as clarinet, flute and guitar. Other instruments that visiting peripatetic teachers offer include violin, keyboard and singing.

Offsite School Trips

School trips are always remembered by children and bring classroom learning to life by providing a real life context.

All of our offsite school trips are carefully planned to meet curriculum intent and are seen as a valuable method to implement and experience the curriculum first hand.

All of our offsite school trips are risk assessed carefully by class teachers and our External Visits Coordinator.

Voluntary contributions from parents support these experiences and help to make curriculum learning memorable.

Our oldest children have the opportunity to take part in school residential experiences, staying away from home and families for several days with their friends and school adults.

Visitors into school

We arrange visitors into school to support the curriculum and make links with the local community.

We utilise links to public service professionals to support elements of our PSHE and Safeguarding curriculum such as Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Doctors, Nurses and other health Professionals. We utilise parental and family links to local business and charities to develop awareness and aspiration of our children.

Varied curriculum workshops within school help to enrich areas of our curriculum, maximising every opportunity for our children to learn and remember more.

After School Clubs

We offer 2 types of after school club at Neroche.

  1. Wrap around, childcare after school club which parents can access as either 3.30pm - 4.30pm and 4.30pm - 5.30pm or 3.30pm - 5.30pm. There is a charge for this but if your child is eligible for disadvantaged Pupil Premium then this is funded until 4.30pm to support working parents.

  2. After school enrichment after school clubs. We try and vary the after school enrichment clubs on offer and communicate the offer with parents on a half termly basis. We endeavour to offer a mix of sport and non sport clubs to offer different opportunities for our Neroche children.

    We offer some of these clubs free of charge; some for a small charge to cover materials and others are fully payable. Children who are eligible for disadvantaged Pupil Premium get all after school enrichment clubs fully funded and we would encourage them to attend these to develop their experiences. Examples of enrichment after school clubs that are currently or have been offered recently include: Science, Football, Archery, Cross Stitch, Board Games, Lego, Hockey, Tennis, Yoga, Art. Please note this is subject to change and avalibality.