
Welcome to Neroche Primary School 

I am extremely proud to be the Acting Headteacher of Neroche Primary School.

As a school we strive for excellence and care deeply about the children within our school community. We believe every child deserves the best and we have three school values:

To be the best that you can be

To show that you care

To shine bright

These simple values underpin our nurturing school ethos where children enjoy learning and develop confidence whist we prepare them for the next stage of their education journey.

We pride ourselves on the partnerships that we develop with parents and families and we acknowledge the fundamental part parents play in their children’s education.

Neroche Primary School is, without a doubt, a special place with its own unique atmosphere. We have a strong and dedicated staff team who are committed to supporting each child to reach their potential.

If you have not had a chance to visit our amazing school, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and I would be delighted to show you around.

Best Wishes

Jessica Millard

Acting Headteacher