
A mathematician at Neroche is a pupil who is on a continuous, progressive journey in developing their number, measure, and geometry skills in order to apply these to a range of meaningful, real-life contexts.

Our aim is to achieve fluency across a range of mathematical areas, through varied and frequent practice so that pupils can develop a conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly to a range of problems.

At Neroche, we understand the role that fluency plays in supporting children’s confidence and ability to solve a range of contextual problems. We value the importance of making links between and across areas of maths, to support children in understanding and making links to the real-life meaning. This, in turn, supports their fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly challenging problems. At Neroche, we value the use of concrete manipulatives to support children’s understanding.

In EYFS, children will focus on their counting and subitising skills and will embed this through a range of childled and adult-led activities. This will be taught alongside NCTEM ‘Mastering Number’ programme.

In Year 1-Year 6, NCTEM resources will be used to advocate and promote a Maths Mastery approach where children become confident and fluent mathematicians with the ability to apply their learning to a range of real-life contexts. See the year group specific progression document below for more information.

We want Neroche mathematicians to be able to:

  • Have the mathematical skills to be able to solve a wide range of problems.

  • Have the confidence within their own mathematical abilities and to show perseverance and resilience when confronted with challenge.

  • Demonstrate fluency and the ability to recall mathematical facts across a range of contexts.

  • To make links in their learning between maths and other areas of the curriculum, applying their knowledge when needed.

  • To be able to demonstrate strong mathematical reasoning skills

The Neroche Maths Curriculum