What the knowledge will be:
A historian at Neroche is a pupil who is curious to know more about the past. Our aim is to nurture children’s curiosity and interest in order to build upon their existing knowledge and ensure that they come to see themselves as a historian. The discipline of being a historian at Neroche is developed through our carefully designed curriculum, where knowledge is built upon and learning progresses. History at Neroche, inspires pupils to ask questions, think critically and explore sources of information so that they can make informed judgements about events in the past. The study of history enables pupils to understand the process of change and how events in the past have impacted on society and groups of people today.
The skills this curriculum area will develop:
In order to understand the complexities of the past, our history curriculum is planned to enable pupils to:
· develop a sense of chronology;
· understand significant events in British history and the wider world;
· understand key historical terminology that they can apply in their own work;
· understand historical concepts;
· understand how to carry out historical enquiries using sources of information;
· make connections between different time periods and historical events and how this has effected
· different groups within society.
Why we have chosen to do it this way:
The History curriculum at Neroche is designed in a way to provide connections between units of learning in a carefully scaffolded manner. For example, in Year 1 the children learn about Remembrance. This concept of war is then revisited through Nurtusring Nurses and WW1 and WW2 units in Years 2, 5 and 6. This spiral curriculum, where concepts are revisited, supports pupils to learn more and remember more. We have purposefully chosen to allow for comparing and contrasting between units of learning, rather than working in chronological order through the ages. This allows pupils to get a sense of a breadth of timescales and to notice contrasting times more easily. Units of learning link wherever possible to other curriculum subjects to allow pupils to make cross-curricular links and learn within contexts. For example, in Year 1 the children study the history of transport in Unit 3, when they are also learning about transport mechanisms in Design Technology. This provides a more immersive learning experience.